Terms of Use

Web­site Terms of Use

The fol­low­ing terms gov­ern the use of the Return Home Bal­timore web­site, www.returnhome​.org (the web­site). They include any applic­able laws, reg­u­la­tions or policies incor­por­ated by ref­er­ence. Bal­timore Re-Entry Resources, Inc. d/​b/​a Return Home Bal­timore (“we,” ​“us,” and ​“our”) reserves the right to modi­fy these terms at any time, and changes are effect­ive imme­di­ately upon post­ing. The terms ​“you” and ​“users” are used to refer to any­one who is access­ing the web­site. By using this web­site, users agree to all of the terms spe­cified herein.

If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and con­di­tions, do not use this website.

Link­ing Policy; Third Party Web­sites and Content

This web­site ser­vices as a resource portal, and includes hyper­text links or point­ers to inform­a­tion cre­ated and main­tained by oth­er pub­lic and private organ­iz­a­tions. We provide these links and point­ers solely for our vis­it­ors’ inform­a­tion and con­veni­ence. When vis­it­ors select a link to an out­side web­site, they are leav­ing the www​.returnhome​.org site and are sub­ject to the pri­vacy and secur­ity policies of the owners/​sponsors of the out­side web­site. Because we do not have any con­trol over such out­side web­sites, we are not respons­ible for the con­tent of linked out­side web­sites and do not make any rep­res­ent­a­tions regard­ing the con­tent of accur­acy or the mater­i­als on such out­side websites.


The com­mit­ment to access­ib­il­ity for all is reflec­ted on this site in our efforts to ensure all func­tion­al­ity and all con­tent are access­ible to our web­site users.

This site is routinely tested for com­pli­ance with Sec­tion 508 of the Rehab­il­it­a­tion Act using a tech­nic­al stand­ards check­list, in-depth test­ing with screen read­ers, policy experts, and people with dis­ab­il­it­ies. For more inform­a­tion on Sec­tion 508 tech­nic­al stand­ards, please vis­it www​.Sec​tion508​.gov.

In addi­tion, the returnhome​.org site is also routinely reviewed for align­ment with the latest Web Access­ib­il­ity Ini­ti­at­ive Guidelines for W3C. The Web Access­ib­il­ity Ini­ti­at­ive Guidelines from the W3C define how browsers, media play­ers, and oth­er ​“user agents” sup­port people with dis­ab­il­it­ies and work assist­ive technologies.

Images on the site con­tain ​“alt tags”, which aid users who listen to the con­tent of the site by using a screen read­er, rather than read­ing the site. Like­wise, a​“skip to” link provides these users with a meth­od for bypassing the head­er and going dir­ectly to the main con­tent each time a page is accessed. Text tran­scripts accom­pany audio clips, and closed cap­tion­ing is avail­able on videos.

The returnhome​.org web­site is being updated fre­quently to make it as access­ible as pos­sible. If you use assist­ive tech­no­logy (such as a screen read­er, eye track­ing device, or voice recog­ni­tion soft­ware) and have dif­fi­culty access­ing the inform­a­tion on returnhome​.org, please con­tact us at info@​returnhome.​org and provide the URL (web address) of the mater­i­al you tried to access, the prob­lem you exper­i­enced, and your con­tact inform­a­tion. One of our team mem­bers will con­tact you and attempt to provide the inform­a­tion you are seeking.

Web­site Security

Inter­fer­ence with web­site oper­a­tion: User agrees to not access or use the web­site in any man­ner that could dam­age, dis­able, impair or cause undue bur­den on the web­site and/​or its host, serv­ers, net­work, sys­tems or oth­er users. User agrees to not attempt to inter­fere in any way with the oper­a­tion of the web­site, that User will not trans­mit any vir­us or worm to the web­site, that User will not use any spider, robot or any oth­er auto­mated mech­an­ism to access the web­site and/​or its serv­ers or sys­tems, and that you will not engage in flood­ing, spam­ming, mail-bomb­ing, crash­ing or oth­er­wise send­ing unso­li­cited e‑mail to oth­er users of the web­site. User will not probe, scan or test the vul­ner­ab­il­ity of any sys­tem or net­work related in any way to the web­site without authorization.

Pur­pose of This Website

The pur­pose of this web­site is to provide return­ing cit­izens look­ing for resources in Bal­timore City of Bal­timore County with a cent­ral hub of resources and inform­a­tion to sup­port their needs at vari­ous stages of reentry. While we try our best to keep inform­a­tion on this web­site up to date, rel­ev­ant, and eas­ily access­ible to return­ing cit­izens and our web­site users, please note that the pos­ted con­tent and linked resources may con­tain inac­curacies, incor­rect hyper­links, or typo­graph­ic­al errors. Should you dis­cov­er any of the fore­go­ing inac­curacies, please con­tact us at info@​returnhome.​org. Return Home Bal­timore makes no war­ranties about the com­plete­ness or timeli­ness of pos­ted con­tent and linked resources made avail­able on the web­site, and is not liable for any dam­ages res­ult­ing from the use or inab­il­ity to use the website.

Gov­ern­ing Law

These Terms and Con­di­tions are gov­erned by laws of the State of Mary­land. Jur­is­dic­tion for any claims arising under these terms of use shall lie exclus­ively with the state or fed­er­al courts with­in the state of Mary­land. If any pro­vi­sions of these terms of use are found to be inval­id by any court hav­ing com­pet­ent jur­is­dic­tion, the invalid­ity of such pro­vi­sion shall not affect the valid­ity of the remain­ing pro­vi­sions of these terms of use, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any term of these terms of use shall be deemed a fur­ther or con­tinu­ing waiver of such term or any oth­er term.