Who We Are
About Return Home Baltimore
Return Home BalÂtimore (RHB) provides informÂaÂtion to returnÂing citÂizens that will help them navÂigÂate life ​“outÂside the walls.”
RHB was co-founÂded by Dawna Cobb, an attorÂney who saw firsthand the barÂriÂers returnÂing citÂizens faced from her years of helpÂing them navÂigÂate life on the outÂside. WhethÂer it involved getÂting a govÂernÂment issued ID or findÂing finÂanÂcial aid to conÂtinÂue their eduÂcaÂtion, she quickly learned that returnÂing citÂizens were largely on their own when tryÂing to restart their lives.
When Dawna introÂduced her husÂband, Joseph MeyÂerÂhoff II, to some of the people she counseled he too was struck by the hurdles faced by returnÂing citÂizens. Soon thereÂafter they embarked on a year’s worth of interÂviews and research to learn how they might in help returnÂing citÂizens with the reentry proÂcess. They soon learned that good informÂaÂtion was siloed and not in one easÂily accessÂible place. The soluÂtion: this website.
RHB recogÂnizes the sysÂtemÂic underÂvaluÂing of Black lives that leads to the disÂproÂporÂtionÂate incarÂcerÂaÂtion of Black men and women, and the proÂfound racial disÂparÂitÂies in opporÂtunÂity that exist in our sociÂety due to strucÂturÂal racism. We acknowÂledge the hisÂtorÂic and ongoÂing role that strucÂturÂal racism plays in creÂatÂing and perÂpetuÂatÂing those disÂparÂitÂies. We hope this webÂsite provides a measÂure of help to those lookÂing to return to and rebuild their lives.
FearÂless, a minorÂity-owned BalÂtimore digitÂal serÂvices firm with a misÂsion to ​“build softÂware with a soul — tools that empower comÂmunitÂies and make a difÂferÂence,” designed and built this webÂsite. We thank FearÂless team leadÂer Felix GilÂbert and his colÂleagues for their patience and expertÂise over the year we spent designÂing the site. We also are indebted to ElizaÂbeth Morse CanÂfil, ReEntry SpeÂcialÂist, the United States Attorney’s Office for the DisÂtrict of MaryÂland and Terri Ricks, J.D., ComÂmunity EngageÂment ManÂager, the MaryÂland DepartÂment of PubÂlic Safety and CorÂrecÂtionÂal SerÂvices, for sharÂing their list of resources with us and givÂing us feedÂback on early verÂsions of the webÂsite. We thank our advisÂory board memÂbers, lisÂted below, for their ongoÂing advice and support.
Return Home Baltimore Advisory board

Emily Thompson
Emily Thompson
Emily Thompson is co-founder of PIVOT, a reentry proÂgram that breaks the cycle of incarÂcerÂaÂtion for women and their famÂilÂies. The recipÂiÂent of many awards, she has been recogÂnized for her work bringÂing women togethÂer across racial and socio-ecoÂnomÂic divides to supÂport one anothÂer and bring about life-change and healÂing through comÂmunity. PriÂor to co-foundÂing PIVOT, Emily was the dirÂectÂor of a women’s job readÂiÂness proÂgram in BalÂtimore City. She is surÂrounÂded by a stelÂlar team and a netÂwork of women in reentry whose lived experÂiÂences are the drivÂing force behind the PIVOT proÂgram. Emily curÂrent serves as Grants and FinÂance ManÂager for PIVOT.
Joe Jones, Jr.
Joe Jones, Jr. is the Founder, PresÂidÂent and CEO of the CenÂter for UrbÂan FamÂilÂies (CFUF)a BalÂtimore, MaryÂland nonÂprofit serÂvice organÂizÂaÂtion estabÂlished to empower low-income famÂilÂies by enhanÂcing both the abilÂity of women and men to conÂtribÂute to their famÂilÂies as wage earners and of men to fulÂfill their roles as fathÂers. Mr. Jones is a nationÂal leadÂer in workÂforce develÂopÂment, fathÂerÂhood and famÂily serÂvices proÂgramÂming, and through his proÂfesÂsionÂal and civic involveÂment influÂences policy dirÂecÂtion nationwide.
Mr. Jones’ civic engageÂments include serÂvice on the boards of the Open SociÂety InstiÂtute-BalÂtimore, BalÂtimore WorkÂforce DevelÂopÂment Board, and My Brother’s KeepÂer- BalÂtimore. Mr. Jones has received numerÂous awards and honÂors for his leadÂerÂship and proÂgramÂming includÂing the Johns HopÂkins UniÂverÂsity LeadÂerÂship DevelÂopÂment Program’s DisÂtinÂguished
LeadÂerÂship Award, an honÂorÂary DocÂtorÂate in PubÂlic SerÂvice from MorÂgan State UniÂverÂsity, the WalÂter SondÂheim PubÂlic SerÂvice Award, a 2013CNN Hero, and the White House ChamÂpiÂon of Change Award.

Joe Jones, Jr.

John HuffÂingÂton
John HuffÂingÂton
John HuffÂingÂton spent 32 years in the MaryÂland prisÂon sysÂtem, 10 of which were on death row. Always mainÂtainÂing his innoÂcence, he ultiÂmately secured his release from prisÂon in 2013 through a Writ of ActuÂal InnoÂcence after it was revealed that hair samples found at the scene of the crime were not Mr. Huffington’s.
Mr. HuffÂingÂton curÂrently serves as DirÂectÂor of BusiÂness DevelÂopÂment for KinÂetÂic CapÂitÂal, LLC., a private finÂanÂcing firm speÂcialÂizÂing in small busiÂness finÂanÂcing options and soluÂtions. He is also Vice PresÂidÂent and COO of the KinÂetÂic CapÂitÂal ComÂmunity FoundÂaÂtion. He preÂviÂously served as DirÂectÂor of WorkÂforce DevelÂopÂment for the LivÂing Classrooms Foundation/​Job TrainÂing efforts for the ReEntry ProgÂarm, ProÂject SERVE and the TarÂget InvestÂment Zone in East BalÂtimore. He serves on sevÂerÂal boards of organÂizÂaÂtions that serve the interests of returnÂing citÂizens includÂing Sharp Dressed Man, the GreatÂer BalÂtimore Committee’s CoaliÂtion for a Second Chance, the BalÂtimore City Police DepartÂment ColÂlabÂorÂatÂive Re-Entry AdvisÂory Board, among sevÂerÂal others.
Donte Small
Donte Small, GouchÂer Class of ​’18, is the first graduÂate of GouchÂer PrisÂon EduÂcaÂtion PartÂnerÂship (GPEP) proÂgram. Enrolled with GouchÂer ColÂlege through GPEP, Mr. Small starÂted colÂlege behind bars in the spring of 2012 and earned his degree on Goucher’s main camÂpus. GPEP is privately funÂded proÂgram that gives incarÂcerÂated men and women the opporÂtunÂity to purÂsue and obtain a bachÂelÂor’s degree while still in prisÂon. Mr. Small holds a B.A in ComÂputer SciÂence with a minor in SociÂology. He is actÂive in the BalÂtimore comÂmunity and has partnered with GPEP and PrisÂon-to-ProÂfesÂsionÂals (P2P) to change the prisÂon reform politÂicÂal landÂscape by advocÂatÂing, eduÂcatÂing, and engaÂging in comÂmunity disÂcusÂsions about rights for formerly incarÂcerÂated indiÂviduÂals. Mr. Small often speaks pubÂlicly on issues of eduÂcaÂtion, crimÂinÂal justice, and felony disÂenÂfranÂchiseÂment. He curÂrently works as a TechÂnicÂal SupÂport EnginÂeer at a techÂnoÂlogy firm locÂated in Hunt ValÂley, Maryland.

Donte Small

RamÂieka Robinson-Peoples
RamÂieka Robinson-Peoples
RamÂieka RobinÂson-Peoples-curÂrently serves as the CoordinÂatÂor, PlanÂning and SpeÂcial ProÂjects with the GouchÂer PrisÂon EduÂcaÂtion PartÂnerÂship (GPEP), a diviÂsion of GouchÂer ColÂlege, which provides stuÂdents at two MaryÂland state prisÂons with access and opporÂtunÂity to purÂsue an excelÂlent colÂlege education.
In her spare time, she proudly works in conÂjuncÂtion with Out for Justice, Inc. (OFJ) led by indiÂviduÂals affected by the crimÂinÂal justice sysÂtem. OFJ’s primary misÂsion is to engage, empower, and eduÂcate formerly incarÂcerÂated indiÂviduÂals, famÂilÂies, friends and comÂmunity memÂbers about the sysÂtems, policies, and pracÂtices that curÂrently have an impact on our comÂmunitÂies, and variÂous ways to navÂigÂate the legisÂlatÂive proÂcess for reform.
As a returnÂing citÂizen who served 14 ½ years at the MaryÂland CorÂrecÂtionÂal InstiÂtuÂtion for Women (MCIW), she posÂsesses firsthand experÂiÂence regardÂing the obstacles many face when returnÂing home and is wholeÂheartedly devoted to assistÂing othÂers through her expertÂise and lived experience.
Melvin Wilson
Melvin Wilson curÂrently serves as Co-DirÂectÂor of TurnÂaround TuesÂday, which preÂpares returnÂing, unemÂployed and under-employed citÂizens to reenter the workÂforce and take an actÂive role in transÂformÂing their comÂmunitÂies. Mr. Wilson is a life-long resÂidÂent of BalÂtimore City. He spent 14 years with the BalÂtimore City Police DepartÂment. Mr. Wilson also worked for GoodÂwill IndusÂtries of the ChesÂapeake for 12 years in variÂous posÂiÂtions includÂing Human Resource GenÂerÂalÂist, EmployÂee EngageÂment CoordinÂatÂor and AssistÂant to the PresÂidÂent. PriÂor to assumÂing his curÂrent role as TurnÂaround TuesÂday’s Co-DirÂectÂor, Mr. Wilson served as Chief OperÂatÂing Officer of Zion Baptist Church where he curÂrently serves on the DeaÂcon Board.

Melvin Wilson

VeronÂica Jackson
VeronÂica JackÂson is the new execÂutÂive dirÂectÂor of Baltimore’s PIVOT proÂgram. An eight week women’s re- entry workÂforce develÂopÂment proÂgram. Its core value aims to help women who are justice impacted, reclaim and rebuild their lives. VeronÂica is a BalÂtimore natÂive comÂmitÂted to the enhanceÂment, exposÂure and expanÂsion of BalÂtimore comÂmunitÂies and famÂilÂies. She is treÂmendÂously dedÂicÂated to the comÂmunity and disÂmantÂling all negÂatÂive stigma assoÂciÂated with BalÂtimore. She believes that BalÂtimore is a beauÂtiÂful, unique place filled with amazÂing people. VeronÂica is conÂvinced that the key to a strong comÂmunity are abolÂishÂing sysÂtemÂic foundÂaÂtions, transÂparÂent comÂmuÂnicÂaÂtion, impleÂmentÂing grassÂroot comÂmunity lifeÂstyles. ExperÂiÂenced in workÂing with famÂilÂies and memÂbers of the comÂmunity in variÂous secÂtors of BalÂtimore. Her career exposÂure includes years as a CorÂrecÂtionÂal Officer in BalÂtimore City CentÂral BookÂing (WDC), The Judith P HoyÂer FamÂily and Early LearnÂing CenÂter BalÂtimore City PubÂlic Schools, ChanÂging Lives at Home, Inc as well as Women AcceptÂing ResponsÂibÂilÂity (WAR). These career experÂiÂences have estabÂlished her knowÂledge, resources, and leadÂerÂship skills. This aids her in assistÂing women returnÂing sucÂcessÂfully to sociÂety. She is conÂfidÂent that every woman in BalÂtimore City has the opporÂtunÂity to build and/​or rebuild and craft the life she desires.
AntÂoin Quarles
AntÂoin Quarles is the founder of BalÂtimore-based HelpÂing Oppressed People Excel (HOPE), which was founÂded to give men and women hope as they navÂigÂate the many barÂriÂers to a sucÂcessÂful reentry after incarÂcerÂaÂtion. HOPE comÂbines mentÂorÂship, serÂvice conÂnecÂtion (job trainÂing, transÂportÂaÂtion, housÂing supÂport) and insists on cliÂent accountÂabÂilÂity. Its ultiÂmate goal is for parÂtiÂcipants to become advocÂates for those comÂing after them who need the same kind of assistÂance and support.
AntÂoin was a part of the PubÂlic Safety ComÂpact (PSC) — a pubÂlic-private partÂnerÂship that conÂnecÂted those incarÂcerÂated with resources priÂor to and immeÂdiÂately after their release. He recently celÂebÂrated 10 years out of incarÂcerÂaÂtion — the longest time since his first charge at 12 years old. In addiÂtion to leadÂing HOPE, AntÂoin works as the sexÂton at Emmanuel EpisÂcopal Church where HOPE holds its TuesÂday night meetÂings. He has spoken nationÂally on asset mapÂping, leadÂerÂship, social change, and how to work with returnÂing citÂizens in the comÂmunity. He regÂuÂlarly advocÂates for returnÂing citÂizens in AnnaÂpolÂis and worked on the Value my Vote CamÂpaign (HB0222) by creÂatÂing and disÂtribÂutÂing video pubÂlic serÂvice announceÂments about votÂing while awaitÂing triÂal. AntÂoin is the proud winÂner of BalÂtimore Corp’s ElevÂaÂtion Award in 2017.
AntÂoin inspires many because of his abilÂity to lead by example and his perÂsonÂal experÂiÂence of overÂcomÂing barÂriÂers assoÂciÂated with transÂitionÂing from incarÂcerÂaÂtion to community.
