Mental Health
Mental Health
By Grace Counseling Services Inc.
Permanent supportive housing serving 60 chronically homeless individuals with intensive case management and other supportive services using the Housing First approach to ending homelessness. Call for eligibility.
1000-1006 E Patapsco Ave
Baltimore, MD 21225
Mental Health
Celebrate Recovery
Weekly 12 Step recovery program for all addictive and compulsive behaviors. Program is also relevant to victims of abuse and those with mental health issues. Access available to emergency food bank.
2122 W Joppa Road
Lutherville, MD 21093
Mental Health
Center for Child and Family Traumatic
Stress at Kennedy Krieger Institute
2401 Liberty Heights Avenue 4670
Baltimore, MD 21215
4805 Garrison Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21215
Mental Health
Changing Turn Community Health Care
Oversees and manages the Public Behavioral Health System in Baltimore City.
5438 York Road 103
Baltimore, MD 21212
1111 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
725 Fallsway
Baltimore, MD 21202
Mental Health
Chrysalis House
Serves women who are pregnant or have one child under 3 with a history of substance use disorder or mental health issues.
Treatment and Recovery Program home to preganant women, or with children under age 3.
4500 Park Heights Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215
10 West Madison Street 11
Baltimore, MD 21201
Mental Health
1000-1006 E Patapsco Ave
Baltimore, MD 21225
Mental Health
2122 W Joppa Road
Lutherville, MD 21093
Mental Health
1741 Ashland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21205
Mental Health
Change Health Systems Inc
2401 Liberty Heights Avenue 4670
Baltimore, MD 21215
Mental Health
Changing Lives at Home Mental Health
4805 Garrison Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21215
Mental Health
5106 Fredwall Ave
Baltimore, MD 21207
Mental Health
5438 York Road 103
Baltimore, MD 21212
Mental Health
1111 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
725 Fallsway
Baltimore, MD 21202
Mental Health
4500 Park Heights Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215
Mental Health
10 West Madison Street 11
Baltimore, MD 21201
Mental Health
Concerted Care Group LLC
112 East Patapsco Avenue
Brooklyn, MD 21225